Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Glitter and Plaid?

The other night we went to this "Bartenders Ball" at the Meridian.
It was weird fun. There was a midget Britney Spears. Open Jameson bar.
Guitar Hero and of course, Rock Star make overs....so after enough Jameson
love, I proceeded to get that makeover.

My Inspiration:

There was so much glitter all over our faces! haha


On the same night, all the boys were unknowlingy plaid mad.

Will and Trent

Trent and Wit

From The Sartorialist for Men.Style.com

And I LOVE these from the Face Hunter

I have some tights this color I can't wait to wear!

I've been looking at all the mens Fall 2008 shows.
There is so much plaid going on... so stock up now
while everything is on sale.

See Also: Crop or Cuff